Our team comprises of Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers and Cost Accountants who are armed with in-depth knowledge in their respective fields to cater to all the needs of businesses, such as incorporation, government registrations & filings, accounting, documentation and annual compliances. We offer tax, property-related and other professional services to individuals too.
Our team comprises Company Secretaries, Chartered Accountants, Lawyers and Cost Accountants who are armed with in-depth knowledge in their respective fields to cater to all the needs of businesses, such as incorporation, government registrations & filings, accounting, documentation and annual compliances. We offer all tax, property-related and other professional services to individuals too.
At Greatsolution.in, our clients don’t need to worry about anything. Our team always ensures to maintain transparency in offering a wide range of services covering company incorporation, intellectual property, accounting, government filings, legal documentation and many more.
Our clients always feel satisfied with our work and therefore the amount so charged to make their business compliant and continually growing is reasonable and worthy for them.
Great Solution provides a hi-tech platform online to deliver the highest quality of financial, accounting and legal services. Our clients are also free from the hassles of paying offline or from other modes. Simply, click on the link in PayUMoney and enter your details for making payments.
Our mission is to offer clients affordable business services through our technology-driven platform that provides one-click access to individuals & businesses for all their legal and professional needs…!!! Great Solution’s professional business advisors help companies and individuals navigate the legal, tax and regulatory regime in India. We help our clients at every stage, supporting them throughout the business lifecycle, so that all their legal and regulatory requirements are met seamlessly.
Head Office
114, 4th Floor, Hari Nagar Ashram
Mathura Road, New Delhi- 110014