If you are not happy with the name of your company due to some reasons, you can go for its name change. The reasons can vary from business model change, c(...)
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Every company is required to have a Registered Office in the State where it is registered in India. This is the address where all official letters and (...)
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Changes in the management a company is required considering the altered requirements in the business from time to time. The management of a company is entrusted to(...)
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A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has at least two individuals who function as designated partners. Each is assigned a Designated Partner Identificat(...)
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Director of a company manages the affairs of the company as per the Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) of the company. There may be oc(...)
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Authorised capital is the number number of shares a Private Limited company can issue to its shareholders. Mostly, a company is set up wi(...)
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As we know, the value and number of shares a company can issue to its shareholders is determined by its authorised capital. So, the ownership of a company is (...)
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LLP Agreement is similar in importance to the Memorandum of Association (MoA) and Articles of Association (AoA) for a private limited company. This agreement del(...)
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If an LLP is not carrying on any business operations for the period of one year or more, closure of an LLP can be initiated voluntarily. Towards this end, the (...)
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If an LLP is not carrying on any business operations for the period of one year or more, closure of an LLP can be initiated voluntarily. Towards this end, the (...)
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All companies, including a private limited company, must file annual returns with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) each(...)
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As compared to a private limited company, LLPs need to only file information related to statement of accounts, MCA annual return, and income tax return on an annual b(...)
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We will help you go public
You can convert your company’s status from private to public limited. But there are many steps involved in it is simple, which take 30 to(...)
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A private limited company can convert itself into a one-person company (OPC) if it has a paid-up capital of less than Rs 50 lak(...)
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